
8 Email Marketing Examples for Food and Beverage Brands

3 Apr
8 Email Marketing Examples for Food and Beverage Brands

Impact of Email Marketing on the Food and Beverage Industry

As a food and beverage brand, whipping up and selling tasty treats is your specialty. Using email marketing campaigns to increase ROI, on the other hand? This might be an entirely foreign and intimidating concept, especially if you aren’t a natural-born marketer.

But given how other brands in the food and beverage industry are crushing it with email, you can’t afford to sit out the email marketing game. Otherwise, you’d be losing out on a lot of revenue!

(Just ask Strawberry Hill bakery, whose 2022 Christmas emails generated between $8,000 and $24,000 per campaign. 🤯)

Apart from the potential revenue gains, there are many other benefits to adopting email marketing for your food and beverage brand, too. Keep reading as we spill the beans on these and share eight email marketing examples to inspire your future email campaigns!

Is email marketing worth it for food and beverage brands?

Yes, it totally is.

With email marketing, your food and beverage brand and businesses can:

  • Nurture new customers using emails that educate contacts on your products’ benefits over time. Some clients may even decide to buy these products without even trying them first!
  • Grow your revenue by promoting relevant offers and sales to as many potential customers as possible
  • Get feedback on your products so you can improve these (value and the customer experience when to come to your restaurant)

What types of emails can I send for a food/beverage brand? 

As a food and beverage brand, you could send emails to:

  • Introduce contacts to your products and new products and their benefits
  • Publicize special offers and sales to connect with your consumers
  • Remind contacts of their menu items in an abandoned cart messages
  • Survey customers on their shopping experience with you
  • Re-engage contacts who haven’t interacted with your brand recently to eat great food and see the new menu items

In case you need help visualizing how such emails could look like, we’ve put together eight email ideas for doing all of the above—and more—below.

We’ve also included great examples of how other food and beverage brands have put these ideas into action!

6 Email marketing examples for food and beverage brands

Email marketing example #1: Sale promotions and discounts

Do you have an upcoming sale, or are you planning to slash your website and prices? Spread the word so contacts can take advantage of your offer!

You can also provide discounts tied to certain special events in the year, such as:

Your customers’ birthday

Entice customers to treat themselves on their birthday by snagging something from your store at a price they can’t get on any other day!

On their birthday, for example, SmoothieBox customers can get $60 off their first smoothie subscription (plus free granola, too 🤩)

customer birthday email
Smoothie Box birthday discount email

Important seasons/holidays

Put the “Happy” in “Happy Holidays” by holding sales on festive dates like Christmas, Black Friday, Memorial Day, and more. Customers will love getting what they want at lower prices, and you’ll love watching the revenue roll in.

Here’s an email marketing campaign that Liquid Death sent to promote its Memorial Day sale:

Liquid Death Memorial Day deal
Liquid Death Memorial Day sale email

Email marketing example #2: Product recommendations

Customers can find browsing your entire catalog time-consuming if you stock a lot of products. Save them the effort by recommending specific products to them, and they might just reward your efforts with orders!

Types of product recommendation emails you could send include:

Tailored recommendations

As customers interact with your store, you may begin to get a good idea of their preferences. Seize this chance to suggest products they’ll love and instantly want to buy!

The “Recommended Just For You” section in Diet Direct’s email below demonstrates exactly what we mean:

Diet Direct's recommended products
Diet Direct product recommendation email

Product best-sellers

Promoting your best-sellers to customers lets you tap into a proven tactic for increasing sales: the bandwagon effect.

Because while your customers are viewing what others have bought, they may think:

“If these products are selling like hotcakes, then they must be good and worth getting. I should get them too.”

Booyah! Your customers have just jumped on the bandwagon.

Just take care to emphasize your products’ best-seller status in your emails. For example, Catalina Crunch promotes its keto sandwich cookies as being “so good, they’re selling out FAST. 🔥”

Catalina Crunch low sugar cookies
Catalina Crunch product best-seller email

Email marketing example #3: Back in stock

Some customers may have had their hearts set on buying a particular product from you…only that it’s out of stock. 😭

So if you have received fresh supplies of that product, email them to let them know! They might just add it to their cart right away.

This email from Haus provides an excellent example of such a back-in-stock email:

Haus Lemon Lavender
Haus back-in-stock email

Email marketing example #4: Survey

After you’ve fulfilled a customer’s order, ask for their feedback on the shopping experience.

It’s a great opportunity to learn their thoughts on your products and get ideas for improving them, so you keep your customers happy.

You can also ask the customer to leave you a public review—which is what this survey email from Graza has done.

It’s so fun-looking and cheerful, we’d smash that “Leave a Review” button in a flash!

Graza review email
Graza survey email

Email marketing example #5: Abandoned cart

Did a customer add a product to their cart without submitting their order? Nudge them about the situation to check if they still want it.

This email by Pulp & Press does just this:

You never know: by sending an abandoned cart email, you may just jolt your customer’s memory about completing their purchase—and rescue the sale.

Pulp and Press abandoned cart email
Pulp & Press abandoned cart email

You never know: by sending an abandoned cart email, you may just jolt your customer’s memory about completing their purchase—and rescue the sale.

Email marketing example #6: Browse abandonment

Browse abandonment emails target users who visited your store, but left without buying anything (or even adding products to their cart). They remind users that they had browsed certain products and invite them to continue shopping.

For instance, take a look at how Bulk Powders’ email gets the user’s attention with a large “DID YOU FORGET SOMETHING?” heading, then lists the products they’d been looking at.

Bulk Powders abandoned cart email
Bulk Powders browse abandonment email

Email marketing example #7: Upsell/cross-sell

Upsell and cross-sell products are related to another product you’re promoting, whether by being an upgrade (for upsell products) or a complementary offering (for cross-sell products).

If a customer decides to get the product you’re up/cross-selling, you could just see a nice revenue boost effective way!

For instance, this email by Built Bar features the brand’s Black Cherry energy drink mix front and center.

And while the contact is viewing that product, they may also want to toss in a few of the protein bars that the brand cross-sells at the bottom of the email!

Built Bar recommended products email
Built Bar upsell/cross-sell email

Email marketing example #8: Re-engagement

As customers get on with their lives, they may order from you less frequently. But don’t let the customer relationship fizzle out just like that.

Shoot to email subscribers to them a re-engagement email to re-introduce your brand and what you offer. When you do so, you remind the customer of the gastronomic delights you sell.

They might then just start shopping with you again—and especially if your email provides a sweet discount code, like what Hemp Foods Australia’s email has done here.

Hemp Foods Australias coupon code email
Hemp Foods Australia re-engagement email

6 Benefits of using an email marketing strategy for your food and beverage brand

As the eight examples above have shown, using an email marketing strategy for your food and beverage brand can help you:

  • 1. Raise awareness of your products (especially those you’ve specifically recommended to customers
  • 2. Incentivize more purchases by promoting sales, discounts, and upsell, cross-sell, and back-in-stock products
  • 3. Rescue potential lost sales via the sending of abandoned carts and browsing abandonment emails
  • 4. Keep the customer relationship going as you send re-engagement emails to customers who haven’t visited your store
  • 5. Enhance customer satisfaction after surveying your customers on their shopping experience with you

So if you want in on all these benefits, it’s time to:

Save up to 40% on your email and SMS bill with Sendlane!

Save up to 40% on your email and SMS bill with Sendlane!

Sendlane is a sophisticated email and SMS marketing platform that can help your food and beverage brand set up and automate the sending of the emails we’ve covered here.

Some of our platform’s powerful email features include:

  • Pre-built automation funnels and other email automation tools to put your email campaigns on autopilot
  • Dynamic email content for personalizing your emails based on your contacts’ preferences and shopping history
  • Flexible contact segmentation, which lets you send tailored product recommendation emails to select groups of contacts
  • Detailed reports on key email marketing metrics so you can track your campaigns’ performance and calculate your email marketing ROI

Brands that have switched from another provider to Sendlane have experienced savings of up to 40%, which really adds up over time! Sendlane has deep-data integrations with all leading eCommerce platforms, including BigCommerce, Shopify, WooCommerce, and custom storefronts.

Sendlane has deep-data integrations with all leading eCommerce platforms, including BigCommerce, Shopify, WooCommerce, and custom storefronts.

Explore making Sendlane your email and SMS marketing provider of choice by signing up for a free 60-day trial here.

Want to learn more about email marketing? Check out our similar posts:

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Email Marketing Best Practices for Pet Brands in 2023

Email marketing for food and beverage FAQs

How often should I send marketing emails for food and beverage brands?
How can I set up an email campaign for a food and beverage brand?
How can I improve my email deliverability for food brands?
How can I measure the effectiveness of my email marketing campaign for beverage brands?

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